Got home early as I had an early shift, to make dinner with my kid.
-I didn't get to make dinner, of course, as suddenly, my ex was all about making dinner.
- Fixed my kid's CD ROM drive by first trying to replace it, then repairing it on the spot on the replacement was broken.
- Removed all the software she doesn't use
- Defragged the drive
- Vacuumed the inside of the case
Tuesday, starting at six AM:
Changed the cat litter
Dried and folded 261 pieces of laundry, none of which was mine
* I was punished, rather than thanked, for the above by vitriol and verbal abuse
- Washed the front of the washer and drier as the old black cat marks these for some reason
- Vacuumed the cobwebs in the basement
- Replaced a lightbulb in the upper bathroom that had been out for a week
- Put in new toilet paper
- Gathered the wet and rotting towels from both bathrooms and bleach-washed them
- Laundered my blanket
- Sorted socks, then gave up
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Cleaned the spill of coffee on the floor (my ex spilled and simply walked away.)
- Responded to one of her e-mails after her second attempt at intimidating me into an argument, which I did not do. One e-mail I sent, calm and cool, the other I kept as a record of what happened.
- Made a deal with my lawyer regarding payment. He says I can start counting the days - about 60 to go. Hard to believe.
- Washed up and went to work, stayed until 12, got home 1:30 AM

- Woke up at 6:30, wrote an e-mail, checked my accounts
- Went back to sleep at 9:30, slept until 12:30
- Made a mad scramble for the shower and got to work at 2:30, half-hour late after a big traffic jam on 15
- Stopped at QuikCheck, got cigs, coffee and nutrigrain bars. That's what I ate all day, 150 calories at a time for a total of six bars or 900 calories, plus the coffee at 200 calories.
- Worked hard all day.
- Returned a call from my ex at about six-thirty after she was told not only by me but a court order to not call me at work. She attempted to start an argument, I declined, she said many nasty things and hung up. I went back to work. I assume she had been drinking as this is her aspect when she's on the sauce.
- Left work at 11:15. Didn't stop for food as I had already decided to do a short shop at Pathmark and would reward myself with cereal vittles when I got home.
- Drove in the pouring, blinding rain. The lightning was impressive.
- Stopped at Pathmark, milk, eggs, waffles, cereal, turkey bacon, Snapple, grapes, all on sale. Dragged it out to the van in cold (67 degree) drizzle.
- Got home, watching my gas usage all the way. Unloaded my three bags of papers and personal items plus six bags of groceries that cost $27. I noticed the downstairs' apartment's AC was on, as it always is when my ex is there, regardless of the outside temp.

- Cleaned the kitchen.
- Loaded the dishwasher
- Put away clean dishes and pots - all very quietly so as to not wake the ex. I guarantee you that you couldn't be this quiet.
- Cleaned out the toaster.
- Scrubbed the sink as it was literally filthy.
- Threw away, or prepped for recycling, old empty boxes of cereal and butter and so forth.
- Ate my cheese sandwich, which had been microwaved.
- Fed the cats and gave them water. This clearly hadn't been done despite calling my daughter on it twice and getting the promise that she was doing it right now.
- Cleaned the countertops.
- Put away some baking pans into the oven whereupon I noticed the oven was dirty.
- Cleaned the outside of the oven.
- Poured myself a drink of diet chocolate soda.
- Folded a kitchen towel and hung up the oven mitt.
- Turned off all of the lights.
- Ate a piece of the bananna pie that my daughter had made leaving that piece for me.
- Opened some windows.
- Went upstairs, turned on the TV for some company (Bears in river country) and wrote this entry.

That's it.
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