Saturday, August 30, 2008

ANother Typical Ass-Breaking Day

Good God. It never stops.

Woke up early and began fighting with my crazy ex at 8:30 after having come in at 3 AM from work. She is trying to break me but can't as a tactic perceived is no tactic at all. Still, it sucks.

- Wrote five e-mails to her.
- Prepped a check for the mortgage. Made a letter to her lawyer including envelope to mail at 12:30 if she didn't give me proof of payment. Proof came later that she lied about making the payment, that someone else did - we'll find out who on September 19th.
- Shampooed the rug in the LR
- Made coffee
- Cleaned up the kitchen
- Washed the floor
- Folded and did three loads of laundry and folded those, too.
- Changed the cat litter
- Paid my bills
- Made copies for the lawyer and the payment book.
- Wrote a new document for her to sign indicating what the money was for and that she was responsible for it and that she would give me proof on Wednesday that it was paid, of the agreement and the amount.
- Got her to sign it.
- Shampooed part of the rug in my basement.
- Checked my credit scores - still one point short.
- Looked at some documents
- Hung with S. Decided to cook.
- Fielded a dozen calls from ex regarding a simple oil change that was supposed to be done five weeks ago that itself had been the subject of 16 e-mails.
- Went shopping,
- Made rattaouille
- Ate it.
- Clean the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher and ran that.
- Replaced light bulbs
- Fed the cats

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