Sunday, November 4, 2007

Major Clean Up

I've been cleaning very thoroughly for quite a few months but today I think I really broke through a large barrier.

Yesterday: Wired Shel's ethernet. Big job involving snaking two wires, adding a switch, a box, going to and from the attic, removing ceiling tiles, getting hit with plaster that had separated from the ceiling and cleaning up the gigantic mess exploring the drop ceiling made.


- five loads of laundry, six of drying.
- Folded towels and sheets, placed in linen closet
- Folded all clothes - about 300 pieces. Yes, I counted. Hung delicates. Sorted where possible.
- Brought my clothes upstairs and put it away.
- Cleaned every inch of the basement of webs including under the stairs.
- Laundered two bags of unknown clothes that had been in the basement for months ("don't touch those, I'll take care of it")
- Bagged trash and took it down into the garage
- Bagged recyclables, paper and plastic separate
- Walked dog
- Made lunch, dinner, cleaned up after Shel's cooking
- Unloaded and loaded DW, unloaded when dry, put all dishes away, reloaded with new dirty dishes.
- Cleaned two pans by hand with scouring powder that didn't come clean in the washer.
- Put away pots, organized pot cabinet
- Set up auto-coffee for the next day
- Vacuumed the LR and steps, shampooed a portion of the LR, washed the runner
- Picked up something like six or seven piles of dog poo
- Talked on phone
- Tried to get wife to reply as to return time - never did but responded with bizarre texts
- Talked to kid
- Drank a lot of coffee
- Took a two hour nap
- Checked my bank account - dunned for a charge though I made a deposit to cover it IN TIME!
- Changed the cat litter
- Scooped the box after the cat's use
- Washed the tiles in the kitchen and DR
- Vacuumed behind the dryer and washer, all the vents and grilles and utility access gates
- Powdered the floor and vacuumed that.
- Put my clothes away

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