I've been cleaning very thoroughly for quite a few months but today I think I really broke through a large barrier.
Yesterday: Wired Shel's ethernet. Big job involving snaking two wires, adding a switch, a box, going to and from the attic, removing ceiling tiles, getting hit with plaster that had separated from the ceiling and cleaning up the gigantic mess exploring the drop ceiling made.
- five loads of laundry, six of drying.
- Folded towels and sheets, placed in linen closet
- Folded all clothes - about 300 pieces. Yes, I counted. Hung delicates. Sorted where possible.
- Brought my clothes upstairs and put it away.
- Cleaned every inch of the basement of webs including under the stairs.
- Laundered two bags of unknown clothes that had been in the basement for months ("don't touch those, I'll take care of it")
- Bagged trash and took it down into the garage
- Bagged recyclables, paper and plastic separate
- Walked dog
- Made lunch, dinner, cleaned up after Shel's cooking
- Unloaded and loaded DW, unloaded when dry, put all dishes away, reloaded with new dirty dishes.
- Cleaned two pans by hand with scouring powder that didn't come clean in the washer.
- Put away pots, organized pot cabinet
- Set up auto-coffee for the next day
- Vacuumed the LR and steps, shampooed a portion of the LR, washed the runner
- Picked up something like six or seven piles of dog poo
- Talked on phone
- Tried to get wife to reply as to return time - never did but responded with bizarre texts
- Talked to kid
- Drank a lot of coffee
- Took a two hour nap
- Checked my bank account - dunned for a charge though I made a deposit to cover it IN TIME!
- Changed the cat litter
- Scooped the box after the cat's use
- Washed the tiles in the kitchen and DR
- Vacuumed behind the dryer and washer, all the vents and grilles and utility access gates
- Powdered the floor and vacuumed that.
- Put my clothes away
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Much Work
Painted all day. Downstairs bath, all the wooden doors, requiring knob removal. Adjusted the attic door height. Tightened the pantry hinges, Laundered the couch blankets and prepped to change the litter. Painted the south wall on the steps requiring taking off then reattaching the small handrails. Washed the baseboards near the front and on the landing. Vacuumed. Sanded the top banister and made ready for poly. Cleaned up tools and brushes, rollers.Washed 2 switchplates and reattached them. Picked up D at midnight and made coffee for the morning. Also picked up the kid earlier. And went to Jeffereson BOA to make a deposit of $20 to cover a potential $38 charge from Lukoil. Took a 90 minute nap before picking D up. Changed the toilet flapper. It still leaks. Fed the animals three times. Got the mail from the box and gave Dawn her one letter. Vacuumed the attic stairs. They look more slanted to me. Many dead bees. Talked to S but worked at the same time. Washed the shower downstairs and was the floor there and in the vestibule. Cleaned and rehung the stairs clock. Picked up after the dog.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Woke up at 5 AM to take spouse to the train. Fell back asleep as did the D, who lives in another part of the house.
Cleaned up dog pee and poop.
Heated up coffee.
Took pills (prescription and Ibu generic, I each.)
Let dog out.
Fed dog and cats.
Drove D to train as silently as possible. (Background: D was being friendly in order to assess whether something was wrong. I had come to the conclusion the night before that our relationship had been killed last November and that there was no effort to repair it, therefore, I will not be adding more energy to it neither will I provide a reason for abuse.)
Drove back from train and fielded two calls from D asking about whether car payment people had been called (since late last night). They hadn't and I said so. Second call - be sure to fill out the forms and give to the coach (which I did previously but they must have lost it.)
Tried to contact child via cell, no answer-not sure of practice schedule as I am not given the details from spouse after the child imparts same to D.
Arrived home, went in, worked on computer for about 45 minutes, answered e-mails.
Laid down for about 45 minutes due to late night and early rising.
Fielded call from D regarding bomb at work next door. There was no news report on this. She then became unavailable for three hours folliwng this news, not responding to two texts or two calls with messages.
Got up, heated up more coffee, returned upstairs. Also had a waffle with jam.
Worked on the computer until about 12 Noon.
Rested until 1:30, watching the Departed.
Contemplated a shower, but child had to be at soccer, I thought, at 2 PM. Worked on computer to access school website. Found and printed forms. Got child to be ready. Gave child a Thermos for water. Filled out forms.
Left the house arrived on time at soccer.
Went to ShopRite, spent $75 on food, $6 on wine. This took until about 4:30.
Returned to the house, boiled water.
Made ziti and sausages with onion and peppers.
Picked up child from soccer as planned per child's phone call at about 6:10.
Scrubbed melted plastic from the bottom inside of the large Farberware skillet with a drill, wire brush and stripping 3M pad.
Loaded dishwasher.
Spoke to D and texted no conflict.
Arrange to pick up WITH NO ARRIVAL TIME. Instead D told child to tell me, which allowed no room for discussion.
Ate a sausage.
Wrote this entry.
Washed my face.
Left for train to pick up D with child in tow.
Cleaned up dog pee and poop.
Heated up coffee.
Took pills (prescription and Ibu generic, I each.)
Let dog out.
Fed dog and cats.
Drove D to train as silently as possible. (Background: D was being friendly in order to assess whether something was wrong. I had come to the conclusion the night before that our relationship had been killed last November and that there was no effort to repair it, therefore, I will not be adding more energy to it neither will I provide a reason for abuse.)
Drove back from train and fielded two calls from D asking about whether car payment people had been called (since late last night). They hadn't and I said so. Second call - be sure to fill out the forms and give to the coach (which I did previously but they must have lost it.)
Tried to contact child via cell, no answer-not sure of practice schedule as I am not given the details from spouse after the child imparts same to D.
Arrived home, went in, worked on computer for about 45 minutes, answered e-mails.
Laid down for about 45 minutes due to late night and early rising.
Fielded call from D regarding bomb at work next door. There was no news report on this. She then became unavailable for three hours folliwng this news, not responding to two texts or two calls with messages.
Got up, heated up more coffee, returned upstairs. Also had a waffle with jam.
Worked on the computer until about 12 Noon.
Rested until 1:30, watching the Departed.
Contemplated a shower, but child had to be at soccer, I thought, at 2 PM. Worked on computer to access school website. Found and printed forms. Got child to be ready. Gave child a Thermos for water. Filled out forms.
Left the house arrived on time at soccer.
Went to ShopRite, spent $75 on food, $6 on wine. This took until about 4:30.
Returned to the house, boiled water.
Made ziti and sausages with onion and peppers.
Picked up child from soccer as planned per child's phone call at about 6:10.
Scrubbed melted plastic from the bottom inside of the large Farberware skillet with a drill, wire brush and stripping 3M pad.
Loaded dishwasher.
Spoke to D and texted no conflict.
Arrange to pick up WITH NO ARRIVAL TIME. Instead D told child to tell me, which allowed no room for discussion.
Ate a sausage.
Wrote this entry.
Washed my face.
Left for train to pick up D with child in tow.
Blog Start
This blog is a record of things I did around the house each day. I will try to be as thorough as possible.
So far, in the last four days, I've:
Pulled some weeds
Taken the gas can meaning to get gas for the lawn tools
Cleaned up dog poop morning and afternoon
Put away dishes and cleaned pots and pans
Taken my kid to soccer practice
Talked to my mother and cousin (Friday night) and brother about a computer virus
Gone out to garage sales with my child
Gone over to my brother's house to see him and my mother and sister-in-law
Painted the trim in the dining room and kitchen white
Primed the garage eaves
Worked on fixing my computer
Talked to friends
Argued with a friend
That's all I can think of.
So far, in the last four days, I've:
Pulled some weeds
Taken the gas can meaning to get gas for the lawn tools
Cleaned up dog poop morning and afternoon
Put away dishes and cleaned pots and pans
Taken my kid to soccer practice
Talked to my mother and cousin (Friday night) and brother about a computer virus
Gone out to garage sales with my child
Gone over to my brother's house to see him and my mother and sister-in-law
Painted the trim in the dining room and kitchen white
Primed the garage eaves
Worked on fixing my computer
Talked to friends
Argued with a friend
That's all I can think of.
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