Friday, November 2, 2007

Much Work

Painted all day. Downstairs bath, all the wooden doors, requiring knob removal. Adjusted the attic door height. Tightened the pantry hinges, Laundered the couch blankets and prepped to change the litter. Painted the south wall on the steps requiring taking off then reattaching the small handrails. Washed the baseboards near the front and on the landing. Vacuumed. Sanded the top banister and made ready for poly. Cleaned up tools and brushes, rollers.Washed 2 switchplates and reattached them. Picked up D at midnight and made coffee for the morning. Also picked up the kid earlier. And went to Jeffereson BOA to make a deposit of $20 to cover a potential $38 charge from Lukoil. Took a 90 minute nap before picking D up. Changed the toilet flapper. It still leaks. Fed the animals three times. Got the mail from the box and gave Dawn her one letter. Vacuumed the attic stairs. They look more slanted to me. Many dead bees. Talked to S but worked at the same time. Washed the shower downstairs and was the floor there and in the vestibule. Cleaned and rehung the stairs clock. Picked up after the dog.

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